Start at historic Town Hall and run through Old Town Kensington, past Warner Mansion, along Antique Row, beside 120+ year-old and by Noyes Library, the oldest library in MoCo. Head down Kensington Pkwy then out-and-back along Beach Drive before returning up Kensington Pkwy for a fast finish through Old Town. Must maintain 15 min/mile pace.
8K = 4.97 miles. Check out the 8K Map.
Price includes race t-shirt, sponsor goodies, water & food stations, free race photos & official chip time. Starts @ 8:30am.
Great for both runners and walkers alike, the route starts at historic Town Hall, past Warner Mansion and beside 120+ year old homes and by Noyes Library, the oldest library in MoCo. Then down onto Kensington Pkwy for a long straight-away, before a u-turn at Saul Rd., heading back around the Circle to a fast finish through Old Town. Must maintain 20 min/mile pace. Check out the 2M Map.
Price includes race t-shirt, sponsor goodies, water & food stations, free race photos & timed event. Starts @ 7:45am, before 8K race.
A family favorite for all ages. The runnable and walkable route starts at historic Town Hall and into Warner Circle, running around Noyes Library, then returning through Old Town for a fast finish back at Town Hall. Run, walk, carry, pull, cajole - however you finish, it's definitely fun for all. Must complete in 15 minutes.
1K = 0.62 miles. Check out the new 1K Map.
Price includes race t-shirt, sponsor goodies, water & food stations, free race photos & timed event. Starts @ 8:35am, during 8K race.
Strollers are welcome in all three races.
We ask that you line up near the back to avoid interfering with other runners.
Sorry! No pets and no bikes in any race for everyone's enjoyment and safety.
Top 3 Male & Female Finishers
Cash Awards for 8K
Gift Cards for 2M and 1K
Additional 8K Race Awards
RNJ Gift Cards for top 3 male and female finishers across all age groups and top Master's finishers (40+), plus Kensington's Fastest Runners
New Race Route (2021-)
8K Male: 24:21, Luke Peterson, 2022
8K Female: 28:10, Samantha Nadel, 2022
Original Race Route (1994-2019)
8K Male: 25:27, Joseph Gray, 2009
8K Female: 28:14, Naoko Ishibe, 2002